
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hookers and Strippers

Here's a little gadget I got at my favorite junk store some time back.  
It's a little wool stripper. 

It only cuts one thin strip at a time.

I think you could clamp it onto a counter or table edge 
but there were no clamps included.

I've always loved old wool hooked rugs, 
with their beautiful muted colors and primitive designs.

I'm not as adventurous as Cathy at Acorn Hollow.  
Here's a beautiful large rug she recently finished.

There was also a super cool covered ottoman but I couldn't find it again.

I think I'd like to try something small little pins.  
Maybe heart, star, or flower shaped or maybe just a circle.

Getting some inspiration from a couple talented hookers on Etsy.....

Loopy flower from Autumn Hathaway.

Wool hooked circle ornaments by Primitives for sale.

But is little chick is pretty darn cute.  Also by Primitives for Sale.
Be inspired to start hooking or go shoppin'!

Happy Vintage Friday, on Saturday.

Joining Debra at Common Ground.

Check out my giveaway for my 1 Year Blogiversary.....



  1. If Junk Store means not too expensive then you scored. Mine cost me a bundle. I also have my Grandma Nettie's who taught me how to hook at 12.



  2. That is a way neato tool, I would love one of those! Have a great weekend! Marilou

  3. Wow, this is really great...I have seen this before and didn't have a clue what it was! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I've always thought this would be so much fun...and I'm in love with that little chick! Thanks for the wonderful inspiration and for linking up with VIF!

  5. Wool Cutters have become so expensive and you totaly scored. and how sweet are you to show a picture of my rug!!! I think you could do anything your heart desires with it and all of your ideas are cute. Hook away my friend can't wait to see what you do!

  6. I love the name of your post! All these projects would have my head spinning; I'd want to try every one of them. I haven't heard of that tool before, but sounds like you really got yourself a great deal. Love that flower.

  7. what an interesting machine. and the ideas for the wool are gorgeous!! can't wait to see what you come up with.

  8. What fun! And we LOVE the title - cracked us up! We always like talking about our tea saying "hot, wet, steamy and loose" Always catches the eye :)
