
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Project Finished & Blogiversary Giveaway Winner

Sorry it's taken me a few days to get this post up.  One of my bestest friends, Karalee, who moved away, was in town this week and we were pretty busy playing all week!

First of all I like to give the answer to the Bonus Round Question, "what project have I just completed?"

My hint was that it's been on deck for a year.  That was supposed to get you to look at my very first post where I blathered on about starting a blog and accountability and getting projects done.  Well I'd like to say I've made a vast improvement in that department, but that would be a lie!  However, with the one year mark looming and my Mr. Wonderful out of town for 10 days, I no more excuses not to get that one project I mentioned in my first post done, done, done!

Just one of you lovelies guessed correctly, the one who has known me the longest!  Kathy, knows me from our Minnesota days.  No, I didn't haul these monsters from the frozen north, they haven't been on the deck that long.  
(Kathy, do you remember the garage sale I had before we moved?  Oh, the good junk I parted with.....)  

Here are the lockers in my sewing room that I told you all a year ago I wanted painted.

Man they were ughly!

I took them apart so I could carry them downstairs more easily by myself.  I didn't realize one of the inside walls was shared.  Ya that one was a fun one to carry, ha!

I ended up doing more prep work that I originally intended.  The best solution for removing the 3-4 layers of paint would have been sand blasting but I wasn't up for the expense or the logistics of that. 

I  removed the old plastic combination locks and locker numbers.  BTW, the best way to remove rivets is to drill them out.  Thank you Google!

Ta Da!  Here they are!  
Not perfect but at least they are just one color and clean to store all my crap precious supplies.

For now, I have some twill tape ties for knobs, the plastic locks will not be returning.  We'll see how well they work out.  Or if I come across something else I like for knobs I may change them out.

Here are the locker numbers, ya, it was 'fun' to pick the layers of paint off them too!  I just got some silver brads, (out playing with my friend) I'm going to put these back on with.  (Oh, ya, I did so just end a sentence with a preposition and I'll so it again, cause that's how I roll.)

I had a roll of black on white toile wall paper which was enough to paper the locker insides, with just a few feet left to spare.

I've taken the lockers out of the sewing room and put them in the upstairs open living area instead.  I've moved things around in the sewing room and I think I'm going to like the new arrangement much better.  In all, I moved about 10 different pieces of furniture around from 3 different rooms upstairs.  Hope to have new pictures of those completed rooms at some point.  Still some bed swapping and headboard painting I want to do.  
(Yikes!  I just flashed to a year from now, scrambling to get that done!)

I love my tags!  I went a little crazy collecting these little coasters that I lined with adhesive chalkboard paper, embellished with lace and trim bits and put magnets on the back.  So the labels are easy enough to change if I move things when I reorganize.

I sold these at some craft sales last fall but thankfully I still had enough for each door.

Thank you all for entering my giveaway and joining in my One Year Blogiversary!  Thanks for all the warm fuzzzies!  So with great pleasure I'd like to announce the giveaway winner.....

The oh so creative Lorrie, from Fabric, Paper, Thread!!!

I'm looking forward to another year in Blogging, only wish I'd gotten on board sooner!




  1. I'm so jealous of your lockers! I would love to be able to add this much storage to my very sad and limited space. The little chalk boards are perfect! Better late than never, right?
    Congratulations to Lorrie.

  2. Congrats on getting that big project finished! It looks MAH-VA-LOUS! And I'd love to see that chair/couch in the first photo. Looks like that is too cute.

    Oh, and congrats to the winner! Boo hoo for me!

  3. Love love love love it! I am now on the hunt for old lockers I would have never come up with this!

  4. Oh, I won! Thank you so much, Susanne.

    Your locker project turned out well, and I especially love the coaster/magnet/label idea. Brilliant!

  5. The lockers are perfect! Great idea and the little chalkboards are another great idea.

  6. Great looking project! And congrats to Lorrie!

  7. You've made me want to paint mine..or
    discouraged me - I'm afraid of all the work lol
    think I'll do the 60 pieces of laundry waiting first....

    You did a great job!


  8. That is just too cute! Who would have guessed lockers could look so feminine? Love them!

  9. Glad I was right! Love it. That toile inside is fab. Congrats on getting the lockers done! What a huge project! I have a couple projects I need to just buckle down and do --after Jen's wedding invites are done! Maybe next week those will be out of the way.
