
Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween Fun Around the House

I hosted Halloween Keno at my house last week so Halloween is pretty much done for me.  We don't get many trick or treaters.  In fact we don't even answer the door.  The puppy goes banana's when the door bell rings and as far as kids walking out on the street, forget about it, it's a bark-a-thon.  (I know, we haven't trained her well, but she's almost 77 in dog years, she is what she is.)  Anyway, we put a bowl of candy on the lite front porch and close the curtains.

So before the season it gone completely I thought I'd share a few pictures from around the house.

 This is an old picture I have, I pretend it is my mom and sisters.

 I've added some which hats for the holiday.

 Got these fun changing pictures at the dollar store, cut off the plastic frames and popped then into some odd frames I had lying around.

 Hand bones in a shadow box and some other creepy pictures.  I can't remember where I stole this idea from, but I did get the graphics from the Graphics Fairy.

Now this is something I brought back from up North this September.  My sister picked it up from me sometime this summer and this is how she road home with me.  This is a re-enactment, so you could see how funny she looked to people on the highway.

 I spent a couple nights at my son's in Oklahoma City so my car was parked in the lot near the door.  So she must have attracted some attention. 

Actually, she kinda creeped me out whenever I walked by, and I knew she was there!

Anyway, she's been hanging around the living room looking for a place to rest so I put her to work for Halloween.



  1. Love your decorations. Did you make the wire cage?


  2. Looks like your guests could be 'spooked out' everywhere they looked in your house. Way cool Halloween decorations Susanne!

  3. Thanks for the halloween tour! You have some wonderful decorations. I have the same changing pictures and they totally freaked my cleaning lady out last week.
    Love the wire cage and your traveling companion :)

  4. Fabulous fall decorations, I love what you did with the picture frames. I'm sure your friend in the passenger seat is grateful that she was safely buckled in.

  5. Your decorations are exactly what I like-old fashioned and unique!!!! Wonderful job!

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  7. I like your creative decor! That bust in the car would have startled me! We don't do Halloween - all our children are grown, we don't answer the door either and our dog, Roxie - the Dachshund - goes crazy too - she has what we call an alarm bark when she thinks someone is at the door - but she is old too - I am with you - what are you going to do - go with it!
    God Bless,

  8. I got a kick out of your lady in the front seat! Bet that scared some folks!
    Your Halloween decor was so cute!
