
Thursday, March 29, 2012

2nd Blogiversary Giveaway

I'm a little late to celebrate but you know how life keeps getting in the way of getting things done. Ha!
I haven't been out in blogland as much as I'd like to lately, but I really do enjoy all the wonderfully generous sharing of ideas and loving kindness that blogging has brought into my life.  And for being part of that I thank all of you!

So in honor of my second Blogiversary I'm offering you, my sweet compadres of the blogging world, a sweet giveaway!

For 2nd anniversary's modern says china and traditional says cotton

So here's my take on china..... 

I like to collect these little sauces and plates and mix and match them into coaster sets.

And tie them up with a pretty ribbon or vintage seam tape.

These are just a sample of some I've collected.  Not sure what I have left.  Maybe the winner could suggest a color scheme.

I tried a new to me site for photo editing called PicMonkey.  Don't really know what I'm doing yet but at least the pictures are brighter than my originals, see below.

Then for cotton, let me go with burlap.  I've been working on these cute little burlap bags, sewing on old lace and buttons and such.  Something like this..... 

Ooooo, burlap!
Only different.....

So next week I'm going to the antiques and fleas at and around Round Top.  I'll pick up something fun to fit in the bag, 
a surprise!

Here's the drill:

Followers, shout it out for one entry!

Entry number 2, let me know what treasure you'd search for at Round Top in a second comment. 

2nd Blogiversay at

Post this little picture on you blog's sidebar, link it back to my giveaway, don't forget to let me know, for 2 bonus entrys!!  Woohoo!!

I got life happening around here again.....
finishing up on a volunteer 'opportunity' and 2 sets of company coming.

So I'll close entries on Easter night 11:59 PM CT and pick a winner Monday.

Thank you all in advance for entering and giving me some warm fuzzies, I feel the love!


  1. You get to go to Roundtop? How fun! Usually I go to a flea market with no particular thing in mind to search for. I let the item find me. I have been making some jewelry lately and I would probably be happy finding some bits and bobs that could be made into jewelry. Congrats on your anniversary! I love the coasters. I have done the same thing at my home.


  2. Hi, I'm a new follower. Thanks for directing me to your giveaway.

  3. Oh no! Don't remind me of Round Top, I didn't go last year. There is just too much out there to figure out what to buy. Times we've gone just to roam we come back with a car full of stuff, the other times when we have something in mind to buy we come back empty handed.

  4. I would love to go to Round Top. I never go anywhere like that with an agenda b/c I'm usually surprised at what's there.
    Sweet giveaway!
    And I love Picmonkey. So easy to use. Plus my photography could use all the help it can get!
    Have a great day!

  5. Here's my shout out!!! I follow you and love it!! t.xoxo

  6. Sooooo, you are now proudly residing on my sidebar :)

  7. now... what would I have you shopping for? I would be thrilled with anything that catches your eye! rusty, chippy, or blingy, these are a few of my favorite things! t.xooxox

  8. p.s. in all my excitement about entering I rudely forgot to say THANK YOU for the chances and Congratulations on your blogiversary! t.xoxoxo

  9. Follower, follower, follower! Oh, did I mention that I am a follower? lol

  10. Round Top is on my bucket list and I really thought I would get to go this year but, alas, it is not to be. Why does it always fall on Easter week? Anyhoo, wherever I go, I always search for white ironstone. Especially the platters. Why? Just like them I guess. Have a good ole time while you are there you lucky duck!

  11. There it is! Your cute little button. Right there on my sidebar! Yup, there it is!

  12. Wonderful giveaway Susanne, count me in. I'm already a happy follower.

  13. Happy 2nd Blogiversary! Hope you have fun celebrating and find lots of treasures at Round Top. I would never be able to focus on one thing, but would be looking for the usual...keys, jewelry,silver,typewriters, the list is too long.

  14. Woot. Been a follower for

  15. At Roundtop the treasures I would look for would be other bloggers :D

  16. A girl after my own heart. I'll be at Round Top looking for treasures too. ;-) I'll be looking for most anything that makes my heart sing. I'm pretty much all over the map when it comes to vintage.
    Happy Anniversary. I'm happy to find you! ~ Sarah

  17. I've just added myself as a new follower. Look forward to visiting often.
    ~ Sarah

  18. Back to say your button is now on my sidebar. Have fun in Round Top.
    ~ Sarah

  19. First I am shouting it out with a link blog pin as you suggest. Second I think you should look for more skeleton keys at Round Top but I know you will look for those likely anyways. Look for some old gumball machine to keep your vintage buttons in! I just got one and love it.
    Happy Easter my friend! Have fun at Round Top.

  20. I didn't know you were having a give away when I came by, but I am a follower ... I love that you put them together as coaster sets...what a neat little hostess gift idea...I sure hated like everything to miss Round Top, Have fun...and bring back a little something for the one's that couldn't.
